Those who import or export goods, or engage in trade involving excise goods, are fundamentally obligated to declare them to customs. One is confronted with various procedures that must be carried out to comply with customs legislation, among other requirements.
As a customs service provider it's a true pleasure to assist and, where appropriate, in our capacity as authorized customs broker, represent you while fulfilling those formalities. With our in-house developed software-as-a-service solutions, we are committed to automation and digitization.
Changes within the legal framework that govern the international flow of goods are occurring at an even faster pace today than ever before. DTB diligently monitors these changes on a daily basis and considers it our responsibility to assist you in navigating this intricate web of customs, VAT, and excise procedures.
It goes without saying that you can always feel free to contact us for any of your inquiries.
DTB is a dynamic, innovative family enterprise with a deep-rooted history in customs affairs dating back to the 19th century.
The company has been officially acknowledged by the Belgian Customs administration as a recognized customs representative, designated by inscription number 2259. In France, DTB operates as a customs representative under registration number 6101, while in the Netherlands, the company functions under approval number NL00740328392.
At the end of 2013, the customs authorities granted DTB the AEO (authorised economic operator) status, the quality label for customs processes. Its authorization number is BEAEOC0000069GDG.